whorshiping GOD...the ONE and ONLY...

domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Get out of my mind.....

Get out of my mind...i can not take it anymore...it's so hard....everyone keeps talking about you...when i just want to avoid you inside my own head...inside my own heart...
They say "him...him...him...him...him...him...him something.....and all i want to say back is "FORGET HIM, 'CAUSE I NEED TO!"...
My thoughts take the other part of the guilt because they don't let me to take a breath without thinking of you...
With that said, i still don't regret THE DECISION....just if you were wondering...
Despite all of this i know that....i have one place where i can go and where i wont think or feel anything for you...and i reach that place when i'm in GOD's presence...HE is my hiding place, my safe refuge...so there i just need to surrender to HIS love and give my worries to HIM...
I love life 'cause even though i might fall of the track sometimes....there's always my FATHER, right next to me, to pick me up...

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